Friday, February 24, 2012

This may increase and eventually lead to heart failure.

B (from the Greek word "inflation"), the walls of the alveoli (air sacs) in the lungs collapse and lose their elasticity (ability to spring into shape), which complicates the flow of air (from bags) when the person exhales. Emphysema often occurs with chronic bronchitis, and together those two diseases called chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). characterized by loss of normal elasticity of the lungs that helps keep airways open. With progressive inelastic lungs, small airways collapse on expiration, making it impossible to fully exhale air. Our current understanding of emphysema is incomplete, but the best models suggest that there is a balance between natural substances that fight disease but can also destroy lung tissue (enzymes called proteases) and other substances that prevent this destructive process (eg, alpha- 1-antitrypsin). Some people are born with a deficit in their ability to produce alpha-1-antitrypsin, which makes it more likely that they will get emphysema at an earlier age. However, the lack of alpha-1-antitrypsin is only a small percentage of people with emphysema. The main reason, as chronic bronchitis and emphysema is smoking. Emphysema may masquerade for years as something else. Often people say they have "asthma" or "bronchitis. "A person with emphysema may have been some very bad colds every winter for several years, each accompanied by a heavy cough and possibly chronic bronchitis. Cough often persists and becomes chronic. Emphysema develops slowly. Minor morning and evening wheezing may follow some time later with shortness of breath that interferes with normal activities. A short walk may be enough to cause breathlessness and walking up the stairs very difficult. After all, how easy are becoming less and less able to carry out a breath, exhale and gas exchange may come a time when every breath requires considerable effort and the patient is disabled and unable to perform normal activities. Shortness of breath is a symptom that often leads people to see a doctor. The patient can take a problem for >> << or. In fact, emphysema may lead to serious cardiovascular disease. Because the disease interferes with the passage of blood through the lungs and blood, the heart must work harder. This may increase and eventually lead to heart failure. Those who often go pattern: they are mostly men aged 50 to 70 who were heavy smokers for many years. In the past, women do not develop emphysema more often than men, but this picture is changing as women continue to be heavy smokers. Half the people in this country with emphysema more than 65 years, almost everyone else over the age of 45 years. Often those with emphysema living in areas where air pollution is a problem. Early symptoms include mild shortness of breath and "smoker's cough" caused by a slight narrowing and blockage of airway mucus - a sign of chronic bronchitis. Associated signs and symptoms may include fatigue, recurrent respiratory infections and weight loss. At a time when there are symptoms, people with emphysema may have permanently lost as much as 60 percent of light. Minor loss of lung function is a normal part of aging, people with emphysema or chronic bronchitis tend to lose lung function faster than nonsmokers. As the disease progresses, the level of oxygen in the blood begins to fall, and the level of carbon dioxide increases. Signs of emphysema vary considerably and may be confused with other conditions, so doctors rely on chest radiography, computed tomography and lung function tests to make the final diagnosis. Key spirometry procedures that are easily and inexpensively characterize the person's ability to force air from the lungs. Other laboratory tests used to assess the level of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood. patients who quit smoking can expect some improvement in their symptoms, like airway inflammation subsides. Clearing the airways to help the patient breathe better, could be promoted such support measures:

quit smoking and avoid air pollution. Do exercises that strengthen the diaphragm and abdominal muscles to help in the process of respiration. Clear lungs excess mucus lying in special positions that help drainage. Build strength with walking and exercise program. Use the appropriate combination of drugs, breathing apparatus and live models to make life more comfortable. Avoid irritating inhalants such as dust, smoke and polluted air. Get an annual immunization >>. << Avoid respiratory infections. This may mean frequent hand washing and avoiding crowded space at a time when colds and flu are common. Avoid extreme temperatures and stay home when the prevention of air pollution is in reality.

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Maintaining proper nutrition. Follow instructions given by the doctor of medicine. Broncholytic medicine is usually taken as inhalers to open the airways. In severe cases, such as when the lungs can not supply enough oxygen in your body, your doctor may be additional oxygen. In cases of deficiency of the enzyme alpha-1-antitrypsin (new protein intravenous therapy) can be used. Breathing patterns that improve the symptoms often by the patient. Pursing the lips during exhalation (so as to keep small airways from collapsing) and takes longer than exhalation to breathe can be useful. An important aspect of treatment is exercise conditioning. Many patients who follow a regular, sustainable exercise program tend to improve their exercise capacity. This improvement allows them to perform daily and other activities with less shortness of breath. Patients can use a stationary bike exercise, walk or ride a bike outdoors. Exercise can be increased gradually as the distance and speed. This type of exercise should be conducted only after the doctor assessed the heart and lungs to lasix mg iv determine safe limits. Some exercises with light weights can help strengthen some of the respiratory muscles. In some cases, surgery may be helpful. Reducing the amount of light operations in which the lung region most affected by emphysema are removed to help the healthy parts of lungs to function normally, may be useful in some patients. Patients may also be able to receive the transplant lung. Emphysema can not be cured, but factors can be eliminated, and the speed of its progression can be slowed if it is detected early and smoking stops. With proper treatment, many patients can maintain a part-time or full time. A person suffering from emphysema must come to terms with the disease, but he or she may not give so much work, family, relationships and other joys of normal life, as is often feared. Best to combat emphysema is smoking. Are there tests should be done to rule out other diseases or to determine the degree of participation? There is a shortage of the enzyme? What kind of treatment do you recommend? Will you purpose any medication? What are the side effects? What smoking cessation resource or counseling can you recommend? What exercises would you suggest? There will be additional oxygen therapy necessary or required in the future? What to expect in the future from emphysema? Are there any signs or symptoms that should immediately tell? .

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