Friday, February 24, 2012

Alendronate has canadian regulatory approval ...

How osteoporosis in men be treated? Lifestyle and nutrition recommendations for treatment of osteoporosis are the same for men and women. describes various recommendations for management of osteoporosis in men. Although clinical trial data on the effectiveness of antiresorptive therapy for idiopathic osteoporosis in men are limited,

best evidence supports a major role for bisphosphonates. Alendronate has Canadian regulatory approval for the treatment of osteoporosis in men, the results of clinical trials

involving 241 men with fragility fractures or T-bill in the neck of femur BЂ "2 or lasix 40 mg ivp less. Groups received daily doses of alendronate >> << (10 mg) and placebo, or calcium carbonate (500 mg) and vitamin D (400 IU). After 24 months of treatment, the court found

increase bone density in the lumbar spine an average of 7. 1% in the treatment group compared with 1. 8% in the group >> << take calcium and vitamin D alone. Efficiency in eugonadal men with hypogonadism and are equivalent. Recently, an open trial

showed that daily 5 mg dose ryzedronat were also effective in reducing vertebral fractures by 60% in men with primary or secondary >> << osteoporosis within 12 months after initiation of therapy. Both alendronate and ryzedronat are effective in the prevention and treatment >> << glucocorticoids osteoporosis in men and women, improving the ON and reduce fracture risk >>. <<,

Men with osteoporosis treated with glucocorticoids ryzedronat fewer fractures than those who received placebo

Cyclic etidronat also effective in preventing glucocorticoid induced bone loss in men and women. Testosterone therapy for 3BЂ "4 years in men with hypogonadism improves spine and hip ON, although no tests have shown that

. risk of fractures is reduced. Testosterone may be most appropriate for men with symptoms hypohonadyzma (eg, sexual dysfunction, anemia

) in which testosterone levels may provide additional, extraskeletal benefits. Subcutaneous teriparatide (recombinant human parathyroid hormone 1BЂ "34) was recently approved in Canada >> << Management of osteoporosis: significant improvement in IPC is observed both in men and women. Vertebral fractures and non-vertebral benefit was recorded only in postmenopausal women, however, because the tests involved men

does not work on fracture outcomes. Osteoporosis Canada has prepared guidelines for the treatment of teriparatide >> << for patients with osteoporosis. No randomized clinical trials of calcitonin in men has been reported. .

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